What is Life Coaching?
Integral Coaching® is a discipline that enables clients to become more aware of their current approach to situations, to see new possibilities and then rebuild sustainable new competencies to achieve outcomes that deeply matter to them.

Why You Might Consider Using a Life Coach?
My Big Assumptions, current worldview and way of being “have me.” It simply is how the world “is,” and I am unaware/unconscious of its impact.

My new worldview/way of being is no longer directed by the old assumption. It is healthier, more complex and more inclusive than my previous assumption-driven behavior.

How Does it Work?
Integral Coaching® is a discipline that enables clients to become more aware of their current approach to situations, to see new possibilities and then rebuild sustainable new competencies to achieve outcomes that deeply matter to them.

How Much Does it Cost?
Integral Coaching® is a discipline that enables clients to become more aware of their current approach to situations, to see new possibilities and then rebuild sustainable new competencies to achieve outcomes that deeply matter to them.

About Integral Coaching of Canada
The I.C.C. Integral Coaching® method, in part, draws upon a powerful set of diagnostic tools used to identify your deep seated inclinations and style of behavioral in dealing with everyday life. These are tools are based upon Ken Wilber's Integral Theory work. This ICC approach to human development has become one of the foremost approaches to embodied change and coaching.  It's truly elegant. Human beings are complex and an embodied Integral understanding enables our coaches to meet each client fully, developing client capacities with remarkable speed and accuracy. We are the only coach training school recognized by the Integral Institute and Ken Wilber as authoritative in the application of embodied Integral development. This work is potent and life-changing.

Integral Coaching Canada's flagship coach training program, the Integral Coaching® Certification Program (ICCP) is fully accredited by the International Coach Federation (ICF). It is the only ICF accredited Integral Coaching® training program that meets and surpasses Masters Level ICF training requirements. Our ICCP is an ICF Accredited Coach Training Program (ACTP). Integral Coaching Canada's two founders are each certified by the ICF as Master Certified Coaches. AQAL accolades. ICF accreditation. A powerful combination.

Why I Became A Life Coach
I want to develop the courage to follow my true nature, and the wisdom to accept my realities, and let old dreams that no longer serve me go and energize new dreams that best reflect who I am today and who I want to become tomorrow..

I rely heavily on systems to check my efficacy in life. That's why I love the ICC approach! Throughout my adult life, I have often made decisions that have prioritized security over joy and freedom.

Coaching for me is an exercise in trust and following my true nature. I trust that this will work, and that I will be of deep service to others.

But I have noticed the delicate balance that is required to shift from listening, feeling, studying, evaluating and back to listening, in order to do an effective Intake! It's tricky!

What my clients say about this work:
" The I.C.C. Integral Coaching® method, in part, draws upon a powerful set of diagnostic tools used to identify your deep seated inclinations and style of behavioral in dealing with everyday life. These are tools are based upon Ken Wilber's Integral Theory work. This ICC approach to human development has become one of the foremost approaches to embodied change and coaching.  It's truly elegant."  - Amy McBride Tacoma Arts Council Director

" The I.C.C. Integral Coaching® method, in part, draws upon a powerful set of diagnostic tools used to identify your deep seated inclinations and style of behavioral in dealing with everyday life. These are tools are based upon Ken Wilber's Integral Theory work. This ICC approach to human development has become one of the foremost approaches to embodied change and coaching.  It's truly elegant."  - Amy McBride Tacoma Arts Council Director