What is life coaching?
Life coaching is an elegant conversation designed to identify your deep seated inclinations and style of behavior in dealing with everyday life. From this analysis, we'll identify the behaviors that are serving you and the behaviors that need to be transcended, in order to improve your quality of life.
During our coaching relationship we will engage in a series of twelve conversations where we explore an issue in your life that you'd like to change. We will co-create and commit to a new set of inspiring behaviors around this topic, agreeing that those new behaviors are realistic tangible and attainable, considering all that is going on in your life. The majority of our time together will be spent in a series of conversations discussing exercises I will give you that are designed to provide you with access to new behaviors in your life. That is - I will support you in developing incremental changes in behavior that move you from where you are currently, to where you want to be by the end of our time together.
I use the Integral Coaching of Canada methodology for my coaching work. These tools are based upon Ken Wilber's Integral Theory work. This I.C.C. approach to human development has become one of the foremost approaches to embodied change and coaching.
My goal is that you not only feel deeply supported at every step of this trans-formative journey, but that you actually embody this new way of being, so that you can move well beyond the issues that brought you to me.
Who uses a life coach?
Life dictates that we learn certain coping behaviors in order to navigate challenges. The joy and adventure of life is growing and changing in ways that allow us to thrive along this journey. Unfortunately this is a lot easier said than done. And sometimes we need help to gain new perspective, see a new path and take realistic steps towards acting differently than we are used to. This coaching advantage is available and useful for anyone who desires being supported in transitioning from their present limiting behavior, to a new way of being and a new set of possiblities.
- Relationship problems with a significant other
- Perceptions of scarcity around finances
- An inclination to be a workaholic
- Lack of courage or follow through to transition to a new career
- Overly critical of self or others
- Etc.
You get the picture - the stuff of life. We all need support. And life coaching is a very powerful option for accelerating positive change in your very precious and busy life.
Why would you use a life coach?
"There is nothing permanent but change." - Heraclitis
This statement can be quite disconcerting considering it takes so much energy and commitment to build our lifestyles in a way that even remotely reflects our dreams. If change were easy, it might be a different story. But we naturally exhibit significant resistance to change, for many reasons.
Considering our resistance to change, and the incredibly busy nature of our lives - a life coach can be an indispensable resource for realizing the positive changes we'd like to see in our lives. A coach will help you identify and articulate the specific behavior needing change, design a plan to make that change, and support your progress at every step of the way. This relationship will ensure your resistance, and limited time and energy resources do not get the best of you. This relationship will empower you to make the desired changes as effectively, efficiently and smoothly as possible.
When do we meet?
In general, from our first to last meeting, we will meet every two weeks, either in person or via video chat, depending on our relative locations and schedules. I strive to be as flexible as possible in order to accommodate your busy life, and to make room for a bit of your resistance to our assignments!
How much does it cost?
- $1,200.00 for 12 sessions for those who can afford this fee
- Sliding scale for 12 sessions for those who cannot afford this fee
Why I coach:
"Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; courage to change the things I can; and wisdom to know the difference." - from Reinhold Niebuhr's serenity prayer
I believe that our current view and assumptions of the world and our way of being in life become very automatic and even invisible to us. We say, "This is simply how the world is.” And we become unaware/unconscious of these deep-seated views and their impact on our lives.
Sometimes when things just don't seem to be working, we might ask for help. If we are lucky we begin to see and question our current assumptions. And this opens the door for creating a new set of perceptions and behaviors and even creating a new view of the world. When this happens, our new way of being is no longer directed by the old assumptions. It is healthier, more complex and more inclusive than our previous assumption-driven behavior.
I consider these shifts in perspective to be gifts to our lives. I am grateful to those individuals who have provided me with such perspective shifts throughout my life. And I find the life coaching model to be such an effective vehicle for providing new perspectives to people. This is why I have become dedicated to the coaching practice and to the I.C.C. methodology for creating positive change in peoples lives.
More about the I.C.C Method
The I.C.C. Integral Coaching® method, in part, draws upon a powerful set of diagnostic tools used to identify your deep seated inclinations and style of behavioral in dealing with everyday life. These are tools are based upon Ken Wilber's Integral Theory work. This ICC approach to human development has become one of the foremost approaches to embodied change and coaching. It's truly elegant. Human beings are complex and an embodied Integral understanding enables our coaches to meet each client fully, developing client capacities with remarkable speed and accuracy. We are the only coach training school recognized by the Integral Institute and Ken Wilber as authoritative in the application of embodied Integral development. This work is potent and life-changing.
Integral Coaching Canada's flagship coach training program, the Integral Coaching® Certification Program (ICCP) is fully accredited by the International Coach Federation (ICF). It is the only ICF accredited Integral Coaching® training program that meets and surpasses Masters Level ICF training requirements. Our ICCP is an ICF Accredited Coach Training Program (ACTP). Integral Coaching Canada's two founders are each certified by the ICF as Master Certified Coaches. AQAL accolades. ICF accreditation. A powerful combination. - https://www.integralcoachingcanada.com/